
Flame Retardant Clothing Manufacturers: Buyer's Guide



Flame retardant clothing is very important in our daily production. For many professionals, flame retardant (FR) clothing is an essential tool on the job. High quality, specially designed flame retardant protective clothing protects the wearer from burns from flash fires, arcs and combustible dust. This enables professionals in many industries to handle potentially dangerous tasks. Over the years, flame-retardant clothing has saved countless serious injuries and even lives.

There are many things to look out for when purchasing the right FR clothing from a FR clothing manufacturer.

In this guide, we'll discuss issues related to purchasing flame retardant clothing and provide some tips that we hope will help you.



1. What is flame retardant clothing?

In the event of a fire or explosion, many fabrics will catch fire and continue to burn. Some also melt into the wearer's body. This can cause significant injury, as textile fires typically burn longer and cause more damage than the original accident.

Fire suits are specially designed so they are less likely to catch fire when exposed to burns and heat. If it does ignite, the suit will stop burning once the source of ignition (flame or arc) is removed. Essentially, the fabric extinguishes itself and removes a secondary source of injury that can be caused by clothing burns to the skin.

However, it's important to remember that flame retardant does not mean flame retardant, and all flame retardant clothing will burn if heated long enough.

Flame retardant clothing is also generally designed not to break when heated. Open areas in the fabric expose the skin to further danger and may increase the severity of the injury.


2. Which industries usually use flame retardant clothing more?

Dozens of industries could benefit from the use of flame retardant clothing. Some of these include: electric utilities, electrical contractors, refineries, drilling companies, chemical companies, manufacturing companies and construction companies. As long as there is a known flash fire or arc flash hazard, flame retardant clothing may protect workers from severe burns. Many industries other than those mentioned above are affected by arc flash, flash fire and low visibility hazards.


3. How flame retardant clothing works

Most FR garments are made of heat resistant elastic materials. Materials such as Nomex, Kevlar and Modacrylic have excellent flame retardant properties and are often used as elements in the manufacture of FR garments. Other fabrics, such as cotton, are naturally flame-retardant and can be treated with specialty chemicals to improve their heat resistance and protective qualities.

Naturally flame retardant materials and materials treated with special chemicals behave in much the same way. These materials do not continue to burn, ignite easily, and do not melt when the ignition source is removed. This last point is very important because burning, melting fabrics can do a lot of damage and cause serious, lasting damage.

Different flame retardant materials offer different benefits. What protects one person in one environment may not be suitable in another, so professionals and employers must always check which products are best for their workplace


4. Grades of flame retardant clothing

The first step in choosing flame retardant clothing is to assess the risks that exist in the workplace. Chemical or gas fires, flammable liquids, slag and arc fires are examples of fire hazards.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) lists four fire hazard risk levels:

Hazardous Risk Category 1: 100% FR treated cotton shirts, pants or overalls (single layer) may be worn. A minimum arc level of 4 is required.

Hazardous Risk Category 2: Cotton underwear plus flame retardant treated shirts and pants (one or two layers). A minimum arc level of 8 is required.

Hazard Risk Category 3: Cotton underwear plus flame retardant treated shirts, pants and overalls, or cotton underwear and two flame retardant overalls (two or three layers). A minimum arc level of 25 is required.

Hazardous Risk Category 4: High Risk. Cotton underwear plus FR shirts, pants and multi-layer glitter suits (3+ layers). The minimum arc level is 40.

Manufacturers must indicate the arc rating of their FR garments. This will be in cal/cm2. 


5. What is an arc rating? Where can I find them?

ASTM 1506 describes the arc rating as follows: "The arc rating is a value indicating the arcing performance of a material or material system. When the ATPV cannot be determined by Test Method F1959, it is the Arc Thermal Value (APTV) or Breaking Threshold Energy (EBT) .” The arc rating for fire resistant clothing can be found on the inner label below the collar.



6. Why are flame retardant clothing more expensive than general protective clothing?

The difference between everyday wear clothing and flame retardant clothing is the fabric. In order to be considered flame retardant, FR garments have to go through a complex and expensive process - using special fibers or treatments and rigorous testing - to get to your hands.


7. What are the limitations of flame retardant clothing?

Flame retardant clothing, while very important personal protective equipment, is not fire resistant. In extreme environments, clothing can catch fire, and while it doesn't melt onto the wearer's body and burn for a short time, it can still cause serious injury.

The best way to ensure FR clothing is as safe as possible is to choose clothing that meets the correct standards. Layered FR garments are an effective way to protect the wearer from potential hazards. If the top layer is burned or damaged, subsequent layers will help stop the heat and flames from burning the skin and causing serious injury.

Because FR clothing is not fire resistant, professionals must avoid wearing synthetic clothing under FR clothing. Underwear, T-shirts, and other items made of flammable synthetic materials can pose a real danger and can melt onto the skin and cause serious injury. Even if the outer layer of clothing is not on fire, it is possible to melt. That's why it's so important for professionals to wear the right clothing from head to toe.

Fireproof clothing also does not protect against explosive forces, projectiles, and other hazards that professionals may encounter while working. If entering a situation where other hazards are expected, professionals need to ensure they are wearing the correct personal protective equipment for the situation. Some of these PPEs may also be flame retardant, increasing the quality of protection in the garment.


8. What types of fireproof fabrics are there?

After evaluating and classifying the fire hazard that exists, you must select the type of flame retardant fabric. You will see two main types of flame retardant fabrics today:

  1. Treated flame retardant fabric

  2. Inherently flame retardant fabric


9. What is the difference between inherently flame retardant fabrics and flame retardant treated fabrics?

The first category may be ordinary cellulosic materials such as cotton or linen. These natural fabrics ignite easily, but unlike synthetic fibers like polyester, they don't melt. When treated with flame retardants, they provide good protection against common fire hazards. Combined with its cost-effectiveness, the flame retardant treated 100% cotton lab coat is a popular choice for lab workers.

Since these materials themselves may not be fire resistant, protection may diminish over time with repeated washing. 

On the other hand, inherently refractory materials have built-in protective properties. They resist ignition, are self-extinguishing, won't continue to burn once the source of ignition is gone, have insulation to keep out the heat, and won't melt on your skin. This protection will not be worn or damaged by washing. In some cases, the fibers even expand and thicken when exposed to fire, increasing the protective barrier between the flame and the skin. This gives you more valuable time to get out of danger. Of course they are also more expensive


10. What testing does flame retardant clothing need to go through?

Flame retardant clothing must undergo strict testing before leaving the factory, after all, it must protect people to the greatest extent. Next we will introduce the flame retardant test in three different regions.

  • American standard

    The National Fire Protection Association of the United States has formulated a series of standards for the technical performance of different flame retardant protective clothing, and the flame retardant fabrics are mainly related to NFPA2112

    N FPA 2112 Standard for Personal Protective Flame Retardant Clothing for Industrial Use

    The flame retardant test adopts the vertical combustion method specified in the ASTM D6413 standard, and the material must meet the following requirements after testing:

    1. The average carbonization length cannot exceed 102 mm.

    2. The average afterburning time cannot exceed 2s.

    3. There should be no molten droplets after the sample is ignited.

    4. For multi-layer materials, each layer needs to be individually tested and passed the above requirements.

    The rest of the included tests are:

    Indirect HTP(Heat Transfer Performance)≥25J/c㎡(6.0 cal/c㎡)

    Direct HTP(Heat Transfer Performance)≥12.6J/c㎡(3.0 cal/c㎡)

    Thermal Shrinkage≤10%

    Flash Fire ≤ 50% (exposed area, hands and feet)


  • EU standard

    The European Union's flame retardant test standards for protective clothing are mainly formulated by the European Union Technical Committee (CEN/TC).

    EN11611:2007 Protective clothing for welding and similar processes

    Testing is performed in accordance with ISO 15025:2000, which includes both surface burn and vertical burn test methods. Depending on the type of material, one or both of these methods can be selected for testing. For surface burn testing, the material must meet the following requirements:

    1. After any test sample is ignited, it cannot spread to the edge of the fabric or the upper end of the fabric.

    2. No hole should be formed after any test sample is ignited.

    3. After any test sample is ignited, there should be no burning droplets or molten objects falling.

    4. The average afterburning time must be less than or equal to 2s.

    5. The average smoldering time must be less than or equal to 2s.

    EN ISO 11611 is divided into Class 1 and Class 2 for flame retardant safety levels. The technical indicators of the two levels are the same, and the materials must meet the above requirements for surface and bottom burning.

    EN11612:2007 Protective clothing for operating workers in high temperature environments

    The standard makes requirements for the overall performance, structural design, dimensional stability, flame spread, heat resistance and molten metal properties, size marking and marking of fabrics. The flame retardant test method is implemented in accordance with the ISO 15025 standard. Consistent, but the EN ISO 11612 standard does not divide security levels.


  • Chinese standard

    There are GB 8965.1-2009 standards for fire-fighting clothing and welding clothing issued by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China and the Standardization Administration of China

    GB8965-1: 2009 Class B

    The flame retardant test is carried out in accordance with GB/T 5455-1997 vertical combustion method, which is required by the B-level standard

    Afterburning time≤2s

    Smoldering time≤2s

    Damaged length≤100mm

    Molten dripping is not allowed


11. How to choose your flame retardant clothing

Despite the best efforts of governments around the world, there are still a lot of fires. So you want to stay safe in the event of a disaster, you need flame-resistant clothing, and here's what you need to consider when choosing a flame-resistant clothing.

  1. Risk analysis

    Your first step is to research the risks involved in the workplace. This helps you know that all possible risks have been identified. This is a great way to learn about the types of FR fabrics needed for FR clothing.

    If you choose to do this, it will be more efficient to hire a professional to do the job. They have the ability to conduct a wider inspection of your premises. They know which of your people are most at risk for potential damage.

    You also need to understand the extent of the expected damage. For example, you need to know how damaging flash fires, arcs and molten metal splashes can be. Make sure you understand all possible workplace hazards to understand the level of protection required.


  2. Check the production environment

    When you need flame retardant clothing, your work environment is one of the most important factors to consider. Workplace hazards are numerous and vary in severity. They also have different levels of exposure, but they all put your workers in a lot of danger.

    The type of FR clothing you offer your workers depends on whether they are working in hot or cold environments. The risk of frost damage or heat stress means you need a different FR garment. This helps to provide the best level of protection while ensuring comfort.


  3. Safety Standards and Certifications for Flame Retardant Clothing

    Always remember that protective clothing is required by law for all workers. No matter what industry you are in, check your safety standards and get FR apparel that meets it.

    To understand the requirements of your industry, you need to understand common FR related standards. Here are some of the most important in any industry:

    1. ISO 11612

    This is the international standard that sets the standard for heat and fire resistant clothing. The protection of the fabric should ensure that it does not melt or drip.

    2. ISO 11611

    This is the standard for clothing used for welding and other related processes. The most important test factors include flame spread, influence of metal spatter, heat transfer and electrical resistance. The standard also tests the tear, tensile and burst strength of FR garments.

    3. NFPA 2112

    This is the standard for flame retardant clothing when preventing flash fires. Clothing should minimize burns from exposure to flash fires. It should be heat resistant while maintaining its size even at high temperatures.


  4. Durability of flame retardant clothing

    The durability of fabrics and garments can have different meanings. But in any case, the focus remains on better protecting workers. Other things you need to consider are the longevity of the flame retardant clothing and reducing replacement costs.

    1. Fiber mix

    Take a look at the fibers that make up clothing fabrics. You'll want to make sure it's a mix of strong fibers like nylon and aramid. It makes the garment more resistant to abrasion forces, making it last longer.

    2. Fabric structure

    Check how the fabric is made. After all, how it's built will determine its durability. For example, a plain weave is not as strong as a twill weave. The higher the number of wires used, the higher the tensile strength.

    3. Apparel Design and Manufacturing

    See how the dress is assembled. Important details to pay attention to are its design, seam type, fit and trim. Check out other minor features that help improve durability.

    Always remember that you should not choose a single factor to determine its durability.


12. How to find domestic flame retardant clothing manufacturers?

Ways to find flame retardant clothing manufacturers in China include

  • Online platform

    Online platforms such as Alibaba and Made in China are ideal places for different FR clothing manufacturers to market to their customers.

    Manufacturers can usually offer you different prices and after-sales services.

    When searching on these sites, you must make sure that you are selecting a manufacturer and not a distributor or trader.

    Also, don't deal with a specific manufacturer until you verify their credentials.

    The benefit of having a large number of manufacturers on these sites is that you can negotiate or select the right manufacturer for your automatic power press.

    You also have the opportunity to negotiate the price of the product.

  • Google, Bing search

    Most good flame resistant clothing manufacturers have their own websites to advertise their products.

    However, many excellent Chinese manufacturers do not pay attention to this or start late, but this does not mean that they cannot provide excellent products.

    So it might be hard to find them on the first few pages, but you can check out a few pages at many good flame resistant clothing manufacturers to choose from.

    Or you can add "China" to your keyword to see more Chinese manufacturers.

  • Purchasing agent

    Many purchasing agents in China are aware of different flame retardant clothing manufacturers in China.

    They know the production capacity and pricing of these manufacturers.

    These are important specifications that your purchasing agent can help you with when looking for a manufacturer.

    Sourcing agents can also save you the trouble of finding reliable manufacturers, as they usually have a ready list for you to choose from.

    The main limitation of using a purchasing agent is the high cost of finding a manufacturer.

    There's no way to compare what you pay here with what you might lose if you bet on finding a manufacturer.

  • Trade shows

    Whenever a Chinese trade show is held in your country or China, you should expect Chinese manufacturers to showcase their products.

    This allows you to interact with different manufacturers and ask them about different aspects of their manufacturing process.

    The advantage of this method is that you can meet face-to-face with a specific manufacturer.

    This allows you to negotiate different specifications with the manufacturer.

    Common trade shows and fairs in China include: Canton Fair, etc.

    Crucially, once you have an agreement with a specific manufacturer, you need to visit their premises before starting production.


13. Choosing the Right Flame Retardant Clothing Manufacturer

In the purchase process, you should pay attention to the following points.

  1. Determine the specifications and parameters of the purchased flame retardant clothing according to your needs and parameters. In particular, the requirements for the thickness, size, color, and model of the flame retardant clothing are determined, and you can contact the manufacturer to purchase.

  2. Identify which manufacturers make the flame resistant clothing you want to buy. In this link, it is often the easiest to ignore, because no matter which manufacturer is contacted, the manufacturer will basically inform the professional production of this model. In fact, different manufacturers often produce different models, and manufacturers often offer various types of products through transfer. Therefore, users should pay special attention to choosing the one that best suits their needs.

  3. Confirm the qualifications of your intended flame retardant clothing manufacturer. This is very important.

  4. After contacting several companies that produce flame retardant clothing and getting the price, parameters, payment method and shipping method of flame retardant clothing, the most important step is to choose the manufacturer you want to buy. Generally, after removing the highest price and the lowest price, choose a reliable manufacturer, so that you can get a better price/performance ratio while ensuring the quality and after-sales service.

  5. Select several special manufacturers as a comparison to understand the use and quality of flame retardant clothing, especially after-sales service. Consider all factors and choose the manufacturer with the best price and service.

  6. After confirming the manufacturer, the next step is to sign a contract, pay a deposit, take delivery or cash on delivery and other related matters.


14. How to maintain flame retardant clothing

When purchasing FR garments, you also need to consider how to maintain the PPE. In most cases, a dedicated cleaning service is hired for the task, followed by regular inspections to ensure the FR garment is in good condition.

If employees wash their own flame retardant garments, they must be properly trained to ensure their employees understand how to properly maintain PPE. Improper laundering can destroy protective properties and reduce the durability of FR garments.

For example, most manufacturers recommend against using chlorine bleach and fabric softeners—even inherently fire-resistant materials.

However, even if your employees do their own laundry, it is still recommended that you check your PPE regularly to ensure they provide good protection.


15. Choose China's leading flame retardant clothing manufacturer

As a leading manufacturer of safety and workwear in China, we can help you produce more affordable PPE. Our reliable product quality can help you expand your business or win project bids.

We meet the diverse needs of our customers and provide them with high-quality flame retardant clothing. Reliable quality and competitive price always help our clients to expand their business and win more and more markets.

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